Tina Debove Nigro

A minimized AppBar for Windows 8 similar to Windows 8.1's Mail and Calendar apps

A minimized AppBar for Windows 8 similar to Windows 8.1's Mail and Calendar apps

(This is for my first post wrote in English, I’m already sorry for all the mistakes you would find in it)

I’m currently developing a new app, HFR RT, in which I wanted to display a Minimized state of my AppBar, à la Windows Phone.

Note that the new Mail and Calendar apps included in Windows 8.1 have the same behavior. In my opinion, we should find this behavior in every built-in app, and Microsoft should provide an API to do that.

Anyway, here’s this little piece of XAML that you can put into a UserControl or directly in your Page.

Don’t forget to name your page; if not, the Binding will not work (here the page is named MyPage).

<Grid VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
      Background="{Binding BottomAppBar.Background, ElementName=MyPage}"
    <TextBlock Text="..."
               Foreground="{Binding BottomAppBar.Foreground, ElementName=MyPage}"

Then, you just have to add this line in the Tapped event:

BottomAppBar.IsOpen = true;

That’s it!

A minimized AppBar for Windows 8 similar to Windows 8.1's Mail and Calendar apps
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A minimized AppBar for Windows 8 similar to Windows 8.1's Mail and Calendar apps

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